Can I get some important please
Hi I believe I meet my twin flame she means the world to me and even before I found out about twin flame stuff me and her all ways had a special connection I my self never understood it and I would all ways ask her about it sometimes though she her self doesn’t understand it at times but since the day me and her meet we both feel things from one another for instance let’s say she smashed her finger and broke the tip of it I than have sharp pains in my exact finger she hurt and it had both ways and it’s not just physical it’s also emotional for instance let’s say one of us has an anxiety attack it effects the other and we both confirm this stuff by asking one another if they have felt anything or if one of us feels something that felt like it was from the other and on the vary rear occasion we would have a dream about one another but unfortunately something has happened between us and Iam in a position were I am in contact non stop longing and pain for her and when I try to share how I feel it has been taken as me only complaining about how horrible my life is when that’s not at all what’s wrong I want to be able to explain her importance in my life and her value in my life with out it sounding like an attack or me simply complaining about something Iam not sure what to say anymore because I don’t wish to upset her I have asked sent her a long paragraph sharing my feelings unfiltered and she had taken it as a attack she Lission to me explain that it wasn’t the intention but was upset at me and it’s started to seem like a fight and I started to get shaky from it all because it’s not what I wanted to happen so I asked her if i could please have a 1 week to heal and try and get my head on right so please if anyone has any advice or suggestions please share it’s needed
P.s. this is a long distance relationship doe to us living in different states we have non one another for 3 years and we have not meet yet in person because we are in early 20s and living with parents and don’t have cards or a license yet if it makes a difference to how I should handle this