What was the most unsafe/risky thing that you have done on your travels? How did it turn out?

Traveling often pushes us out of our comfort zones, sometimes making us more willing to take risks. Have you ever taken a chance on an adventure that, in hindsight, was a risky decision? How did it turn out? Share your stories!

Once, I accepted an invitation to visit a small, remote village in a poor, developing country. I knew nothing about the person who invited me, neither name nor how they looked like. But from the moment I arrived, I was welcomed with warmth. They showed me around the village, I played with local kids by a waterfall, and her family even cooked me dinner before sending me on my way, driving alongside me to the highway to help me navigate the badly maintained village roads in the dark.

In hindsight, it could have gone badly. The village was hours away from any big city, and I hadn’t told anyone where I was going. I had all my belongings on my motorbike and there was almost no phone signal in that region. They could have easily robbed me or worse, but my lack of survival instinct and the fact that I never watched 'The Hills Have Eyes' rewarded me this time.