HDVinnie and BLU
From the get go, when other sites were having their issues many months ago, BLU staffers, particularly nelsokege, had a vendetta against staffers over there, impeding in their efforts to re-establish themselves, making a whole bunch of alt accounts here to trash talk. So I have no remorse whatsoever in writing this post. I cautioned nelsokege at that time, that people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, and here we are.
HDVinnie should be treated as the vile scammer that he his. When I first joined BLU as a staffer, I was amazed to see owner accounts from invite seller sites. Noted on their account, "This is the admin of...."
Blutopia being a seller's wet dream, because people who donated at BLU, not only were they able to pay to play, they were immune. Vinnie cracked the shits more than once, because invite buyers were doing chargebacks through paypal when their accounts were banned. So it was an unwritten rule that buyer accounts must be lelt alone until their donation period had expired. After some 500 odd accounts were banned, then Vinnie coerced open applications, because, and I quote...."to many accounts are being banned". Mind you, this was after the staff team had previously made an agreement not to run open applications again.
A short time after that, there was a super duper, extremely limited lifetime donation run. Remember that one folks. Well that mofo must have went off like cat on heat, because BLU had open applications again, and then lo-and-behold, lifetime donations were not actually super duper super limited, they were just a normal thing to generate an income stream for vinnie. Right after open applications, when there's a whole bunch of fresh blood willing to part with their dollars. I'm getting to a proper point, bear with me......
During that time, and after I left, you had vinnie spamming other UNIT3D sites with forum posts threatening to stop UNIT3D development if his income, I mean, if the donations didn't increase. Actually praying on the userbases of other sites whom dared to use "open source" software.
Forced his own donation link onto sites that used UNIT3d.
Threatens to make UNIT3D a subscription service.
Publically threatened a UNIT3D site sysop to backdoor his site and delete it. https://web.archive.org/web/20240505023457/https://old.reddit.com/r/trackers/comments/1ckh118/avoid_fnp_and_take_screenshots_as_site_will_be/ https://web.archive.org/web/20240505032725/https://ibb.co/zZWpkDh https://web.archive.org/web/20240505032718/https://ibb.co/xjC7CxL
Why you may ask? Because Vinie didn't like the way in which that sysop was treating his staffers. This site sysop was one of the site sysops that heavily supported vinnie's paycheck, I mean, donations, both in general subcription payments, and extra payment for vinnies personal support service. That's right, this sysop was paying for vinnies support, and the thanks he received were threats to delete the entire site. To bad for the innocent users of that site who would have been caught up in the blood bath.
I shit you not, not 3 days later vinnie was advertising said personal support on the unit3d discord.
So yeah, now BLU has gone down. Down for all of the reasons MM has stated. Why is it not back up yet? Well one good darn reason is because despite running the halloween donation drive just days before the hardware shit itself (because raid-0, and because vinnie didn't understand raid apparently), the remaining BLU staffers have not seen a brass razoo of any money from Vinnie. That shits gone, dunsky. Not only is that bad enough, but nelsokege, who couldn't stfu about other sites, constantly seeks to reinforce that vinnie is a good guy, and if the staffers just keep pressuring, vinnie will part with enough money to support the hardware costs of the site for 12 months. That's all the staff want, just enough to get up and running, especially without needing to bug users about donations anytime soon. The staff are not after the 10's of thousands.
And notiwithstanding having another unit3d dev on hand to assist, the dev who has been effectively the sole dev for 12 months or more, some of the blu staff, led by nelsokege, then went and gave site database to vinnie. Vinnie should have had his own copy of the DB, sure, but he didn't, because he didn't give 2 fucks about being competent about it, because any issues are just another excuse to "I need money or I stop", I mean, seek donations. This whole who ha about user privacy, then just hand the entire site DB away.