[request] for any math and energy/electricity savvy people out there. I keep getting huge bills from my prop mngmnt co for my tiny apartment. Am i get taken

My property management company wont let me see my electricity bill. Yeah, lame I know. I know “energy costs are going up” and “inflation this and that” but i feel like I’m being taken advantage of beyond whats fair. There are 4 units upstairs and 1 unit downstairs that is the size of all 4 upstairs units, yet there is “only one meter so we just divvy it ip evenly”. But if someone move out, we all just absorb the cost of the empty unit. It seems shady af too me. So heres the maths I did:

My studio is: 23’ x 17’ = 391 sqft. Average hours in a month = 730 My november bill = 214.18 Average price per kWh in CA = $0.23 214.18/0.23‎ = 931.217 kWh (in a month) If 730 is the number of hours that it took me to use 931 kWh that means i used 1.27 kW/h 24hrs a day 7 days a week for a full month?? That cant be correct.

“An average 750 square foot, single-bedroom apartment uses approximately 750 kWh power. In contrast, a 1000-square-foot, single-bedroom apartment will use approximately 880 kWh of power every month” source: https://myhomemyglobe.com/how-many-kwh-does-one-bedroom-apartment-use/

PGE current rate sheet: https://view.officeapps.live.com/op/view.aspx?src=https://www.pge.com/assets/rates/tariffs/Res_190401-190430.xlsx

Curious if I’m close on numbers, bc if i am i think its time to talk to an attorney.