I (26NB) cut back from biweekly sessions to monthly sessions but now I'm feeling worse
So back in October I asked my therapist if we could go from biweekly to monthly. I felt my depression had subsided, I haven't felt suicidal in over a year and I've been coping with situations way better than I usually do. It got to a point where I struggled to find things to bring up in therapy. I've also been struggling financially and my insurance changed so I went from having no copay to an $80 copay so this was also a factor in my decision making bc even if I struggled to focus and pick out topics in my sessions I probably would have sucked it up and kept going biweekly. Recently though my anxiety has been increasing. I feel this has been triggered by my financial situation and my job. I recently had to move back into my parents bc I couldn't keep up with my increasing rent, bleeding my savings account. I use to love my job but new management has made it stressful and I've also come to a conclusion that I can't support myself with my current job. I'm feeling stuck and I struggle with change. I feel like I have no direction in my life at the moment and I'm so unsure of everything. I can feel my depression creeping back up on me and I fear if I don't figure something out soon my suicidal part will come back. My next session is in a week and a half and I feel like I can at least keep it together until then but I'm not sure if I should go back to biweekly or not or if I'm just overthinking everything and overwhelming myself.