Weekly "vent your vibes"

Welcome to the weekly Vent your Vibes post! Feeling burn out,, struggling with compassion fatigue, work environment really sucking right now? Share your feelings here to get support.

All other posts feeling something negative or wanting to vent will be redirected here.

This is the place for you to vent and complain WITHOUT JUDGEMENT about any stressful work situations going on at work and/or how much you are feeling burnt out doing this work.

Burn out making you want to change career? Check out this infographic by one of our community members (also found in sidebar) to consider your options.

Also we have a therapist/grad student only discord. Anyone who has earned their bachelor's degree and is in school working on their master's degree or has earned it, is welcome to join. Non-mental health professionals will be banned on site. :) https://discord.gg/RdZj8tABpc