Does anyone else get annoyed when they see people hate on Brody Grant?
Like I get not liking him because of allegations, but I saw somewhere once that said someone had hit Brody with their playbill when Brody was stage-dooring in June (around the time the allegations started) and Brody APOLOGIZED for getting hit with a playbill and still signed it, but the person never even anoleged him, another one is that I've heard of people skinny and fat sh@ming Brody at the stage-door, and a recent one is that 'fans' (using quotes bc what they did it NOT good fan behavior) followed Brody to the tunnels (basically the tunnels is how the actors for the outsiders leave when they don't stage-door) and crowded Brody and overwhelmed him to the point of him having a panic attack, the next day Brody started crying during the last 20 minutes of the outsiders musical and Jason, Emma, sky and Brent were all concerned for him, Jason had to literally hug him to calm him down and they had to turn his mic off! And a couple weeks before this girl went up to Brody and inturpted him while he was talking to his friend saying stuff like 'why didnt give my friend the book its her birthday' and then at the later show HE GAVE HER THE BOOK BC HE FELT BAD, and this girl HATES Brody, she's his #1 hater apparently, like yes you can have your opinions on him and all that with the allegations but never EVER do this kind of stuff to him. This is such a rant sorry