Why haven’t u joined the OTO/Craziest OTO stories
Disclaimer beforehand is that I love that the OTO exists and think they are a cool organization. Wanted to ask two questions that I think would be interesting to read the responses of.
1: if u are an experienced thelemite and have not joined the OTO, why? I’ve been obsessed with thelema/Crowley for 12 yrs but I’ve never found it necessary to join the OTO. I’m sure there are people there that I would enjoy greatly but it seems like 99% of thelemic knowledge is on the internet, so it would be more of a social endevour. I also have my concerns about what the worst of the OTO members could be like, based on the ones I’ve encountered online. Admittedly these concerns come from ignorance. Obviously there’s a lot of happy Thelemites who are great people. I only hope that those great ones are the ones I encounter if I ever DO go to an OTO gathering.
2: What is the craziest OTO story that you can share if you are in the OTO? I’m sure a lot of stuff is bound to secrecy and whatnot but there’s got to be something you can offer in terms of a crazy story. I’ll also accept stories from people who aren’t in OTO but heard a crazy OTO story from someone else.