My thoughts of Obamanation

So i have played obamanation recently. And i think i have to say my opinion on it.

I didnt like it.

Now, i dont think the devs did a bad work for this mod, not at all! For their first, big, cyoa mod, its actually quite impressive. hundreds of endings, paths, candidates, thats a good accomplishment for their first time.

But i think that, even with their great effort, the mod isnt great, nor good:

  1. premise: i cannot stresse enough how hysterical and unserious this mod is to me. the first words in the mod introduction call obama "the antichrist". now, i know that the mod is shown from a tea party member perspective (or socialist one, i will get this later) and tries to make look obama evil. it doesnt work. at all. i just cant see obama and his administration in such a evil way, much less as this "charming liar controlled by le evil radical black left".
  2. tone: i know that saying tha cyinism is bad is a very tired and stupid critic of cyoa mods, but i think in this case it kinda is a problem. obama is a lot of things, but cynical he is not, nor scheming, or crazy or whatever. the portayal of obama, i feel, is insincere. it tries way too hard to make im so evil it comes around to being comedic, which i think may be intentional? thats another thing, the tone is weird. its try to be a serious critic of obama from a socialist perspective, a satirical portrayal from a tea party persective and almost a comedic one, not taking it seriously, at the same time.
  3. conclusion: i think this mod, altough a decent first try as a big cyoa mod, didnt work to me. if i were to fix, i would make obama not evil, but a well-intentioned president that, trough obstruction and his flaws, cant make all the rights decisions and is consumed by the cynism of the american political machine, his base, his opposition and his own inner demons. i think its more intersting see a person trying to make america hopeful and falling or succeding by his different actions.