Something is going around

So i've heard some people say Covid is spreading around lately. But this is... weird. It's all very mild, and the symptoms are more annoying than debilitating. Beginning around July 1st, I had a dull headache that lasted weeks. Every day, about a month. On a scale of 1-10, it was about a 2 and was usually on the right, but sometimes on the left. And I occasionally had pressure in my eye or jaw, always one side or the other. Well, that finally went away about last week. But now my stomach is bugging me. Again, it's very dull. Last night I had that feeling that I was about to vomit for a few seconds. Today my stomach is slightly worse but still dull. Its not like i'm in agonizing pain, it's more annoying than anything. And my appetite is definitely decreased. But drinking water or soda doesn't really bother me. But I can still eat. My nose is also stuffed up but again, very slightly. Although, a couple weeks ago, when I still had the headache, I took a nap during the day and I woke up like a couple hours later and my nose was just full of snot, like when you have a cold, but it went away after about 30 minutes. I have phlegm, but again, very lightly. Not the usual shit ton when you're sick with a cold and hacking up chunks, but more of a, you know that its there, and you can feel it when you swallow, but it's no big deal.