Favourite part in the audiobooks?
I'm not generally a huge fan of audiobooks but Simon Vance is incredible. I've read the series multiple times over but have been enjoying them anew in this format. He's especially good at tone.
And, as inappropriate as it is, I cannot help but laugh until I cry in Victory of Eagles when Temeraire goes. "Ow. ow. Ow!" as a determined boarder hangs on by stabbing knives directly into Temeraire. The sheer surprise and outrage at the minor pain of the relatively tiny stabs that Vance packs in to Temeraire's voice just kills me.
There are many moments, both from characters as well as from the dry dry dry humor of the narration, but that peevish "Ow. Ow!" is my tops. Makes me think of when, like, a kitten climbs up your bare skin. It absolutely hurts and you make a heck of a fuss about it, even though the kitten is certainly not causing any serious harm.