I really want a Tele now.

You know how it goes. You're walking across your living room, and the thought, maybe you should get a Telecaster, crosses your mind. Three days later you can't think of anything else. It happened to me. I would probably keep this guitar in open tunings to add another palette to a Strat and an LP. Mainly blues-rock (Keeeeeeffff), and Waylon Jennings inspired outlaw country. Maybe add a little bit of jazz. (I'm old, don't spit on me.) Im a bit overwhelmed at model options. I don't want to loose a bit of twang, that's the point of it all right ? I read some don't like noiseless pickups in Tele's. (Ultra) Some prefer Am Pro 2. When comparing the two.

With all this in mind, what model would you highlight ? Not necessarily between the Pro and the Ultra, just overall really.