How to set boundaries with a friend that doesn't care?

A friend of mine has been getting on my nerves lately because of unwanted touching.

She's a very touchy person in the first place but this is getting out of hand.

She would come into my dorm room whenever she felt like it and wouldn't leave even if I asked her very nicely. She would also keep knocking on the door until I let her in since I don't want to disturb my neighbors

I don't care that she is here, but it's the fact that she touches me when I don't want her to while she's here.

Even if I tell her to stop, she ignores what I say and keeps in touch with me. It's an awkward situation because I'd just ask her to stop touching me, and she would stop for a second, then continue touching me in a different spot.

When I tell her she's getting kicked out if she doesn't stop, she will start "crying" and just keep asking why. I'm serious, like she'd just say, "Why?Why?Why?" non-stop until I eventually give in. It's like talking to a toddler who's never been disciplined by his parents. It's insane.

She would also bite and slap me at random times I would be doing something,g and she'd come up behind me and bite in really ard in different areas, which would be painful for days later She'd also slap me in the face at random times Once, I was driving her and a few friends, and she'd no joke, just slap my face while I was, driving cons antly I told her to s,top and she'd do the whole "why?why?why?" thing Our friends shrug it off as she's known to do weird stuff like that, but it's honestly painful since she's not hitting or biting me as a joke; she'd do it full force.

I also can't put up with her stalking anymore. She got on my phone and sent my location to her through the IOS messaging app without my permissions. When I disabled it, she pulled the "why" thing again and nagged and whined until I joined her Life360 circle with just me and her. When I tell her to stop stalking me she just ignores me and tells me because she wants to.

Sometimes, I tell her that I'd call the cops or campus police unless she stops, and she just doesn't care and would continue touching me. This is probably because she knows that I won't tell anyone since we have too many mutual friends and it'd make everything awkward with everyone else.

I'm not very good at setting boundaries myself, but I have made it clear that I don't want her to do that stuff to me. I also don't want to get anyone else involved as it would just blow out of proportions, what do I do?