Im done with my "step dad"

My "step dad" has so many issue and is an all round horrible person, he only comes to our place every couple months or whenever there's an event like xmas or he's son's (my younger step brothers) birthday but today I've had enough. There's so many things he's done like smashing in our walls, throwing rocks at our car denting and scratching it and even ramming his car into our shed door, but I'll focus on this one from today.

He drives a heavily modified Holden Calais, my mother had a horrible wreck in a Calais decades ago and she's scarred from it and stays away from that car model.

This morning he was in a bad mood yelling and carrying on but he wanted to drive into the shopping centre to buy my step brother a b-day present because he missed the birthday, I also needed to go into the shops because its my actual Dad's birthday this week. I presumed we would take my mums car but to my shock we were getting in his, the entire 40 minuet drive my mum look very uncomfortable.

When we arrived we decide to stop at Hungry Jacks (aussie Burger King) for lunch. when we got there he began to get mad and started yelling at my mum because she hadn't completed the online order before we arrived. Called here lots of disgusting names right Infront of me and my 5 year old step brother.

The shopping was quite, nobody talked and we just went about our business. After awhile he started to cheer up and even suggested getting pizza for dinner, which we did, on the way home my step brother and and Mum both fell asleep and I was happy to see my mum relaxed, unfortunately it did not last. Once we were off the highway he started to speed up, doing around 80kph in the 60kph zone, the roads are twisty and kinda rough but he continued anyway bottoming out occasionally which woke my Mum. When she woke up about 5 mins from home my mum told him to slow down, which he did after responding with "f@ck you" and going silent.

My mum continued to ask him what's wrong and he stayed silent until he reached the main street with the school, shops, pub ect and for some ungodly reason HE FLOORED IT. 180kph in a 40kph zone IN THE MAIN STREET, mum started yelling at him to stop and he did... very aggressively by slamming on the brakes and locking up the tires almost losing control.

Our house is near the main street so we were home less then a minuet after what he did, somehow my step brother didn't wake up and my "step dad" stormed off down the back yard, my other younger brother (14) and younger sister (8) were home so my mum went off to tend to them, unpack the car ect.

Now im sitting in my room wondering how im going to go about talking to mum about never letting him in this household again, as far as im concerned a psychopath like him is not welcome in our home.

Just need to rant about this one.