Attention to Detail - How do you build this skill?
As someone who teaches programming and occasionally has to read student writing (I teach high school Science and InfoTech), it occurs to me that having good attention to detail is pretty important for students. I mean, even among adults, there are certain colleagues I would definitely ask to proofread my work and certain colleagues I would absolutely stay away from because they just can't spot mistakes for whatever reason.
The same with students, when we do proofreading, the students know who to go to because some people are just better at spotting errors. I'm not saying they are excellent writers, I'm just saying they can spot typos pretty easily. In programming, it is absolutely necessary to be able to do this because sometimes a single character difference could cause a program not to work.
So as teachers, how do we build "attention to detail" besides just telling kids to "pay attention" which doesn't really do anything? Or is it something that can even be trained? Are some people just somehow naturally more observant and can spot differences? I know certain colleagues and students who have attention spans that are much shorter than mine - is that the difference? Is it because they can't focus?