Why do you add milk in tea?
Regards Tea enjoyer fellows! I am here with a question: Something i Simply cannot understand Is the Habit to add milk in tea... Why? What Is its Purpose? The question Is not meant to be Polemical, i am really curious about It. In my family, we Always did add lemon to tea, which has a strong flavor and smell, which can change the tea in the Better or in the worse too if done badly... But milk has not any of that! It Is pretty bland in taste and smell... And makes the tea all Foggy in look. I drink tea without adding anything by a few years now, only once i tried to add milk in a black tea Flavored with Caramel, only flavor i could possibly think to be good with milk... And never did It again. It was as if it wasn't there, the flavor of the tea completely covered that of the milk... The only effect obtained was to have a less hot, more bland and foggy tea. So, why do you add milk in your Cup of tea? What Is the secret behind such a ritual?