Will zofran/gravol help with "tattoo flu"

Im looking to get my first tattoo soon and I was super excited until I saw that some people get "sick" afterwards. Something about ur body recognizing the ink is a foreign substance and trying to fight it off. Or going into shock from the pain. The symptoms were listed as general flu symptoms, like headaches, fevers, fatigue and sweating. I can deal with all that but Ive seen people say they've thrown up or at the very least gotten nauseous. If you cant already tell by the title, I have a huge fear of vomit. I know getting sick after a tattoo is your bodies way of "getting rid" of the foreign material so will taking an anti-emetic help? Like if my body really needs to expel it will it push past the medication? I know Im probably being paranoid but the knowledge I could potentially puke has put a huge stop to my plans. I was planning on getting a tattoo that my artist said could take anywhere from 3-5 hours but since its my first I think I will start with a smaller one to test the waters. Has anyone dealt with "tattoo flu" and if so what were your symptoms like and if you took medication did it help?