Does it all come down to labour and unions?
I am trying to think really hard on the problems of the world and how to solve them in a KISS way. Now of course hard and complex problems require complex solutions. That aside there's one red thread that seems to make sense and that is the power of the worker and unions. Or at least it makes sense in the head. This sounded better in the head actually as i am writing it and now i struggle to put it into words but my thinking goes: Workers hold up the economy, if the workers strike economy goes kaput, concessions will be made and political change happens. Especially if there's sympathy strikes and union alliances with other unions. And if there's no other outlet for the want for change then the oft villainized word violence might have to happen. Not for the sake of violence but because nothing else works. Protests do not seem to do very much nowadays, if ever. Kinda like if someone punches you in the face you defend yourself, or if someone else gets hit in the face you defend them (if you are able).
Reformism should work but frankly from what i see in Europe it does not go forward in terms of what helps the average John Smith. But reformism spurred by strikes and non-compliance could work. As a stick. Or just skipping it all entirely and building your own society ala dual power.
Co-ops and worker owned businesses, i'm not saying they cannot succeed, there are cases of it but generally the top-down shareholder system is more likely to secure loans from banks (who are also very top down). Loans are handy for powering your business further. Credit unions would be the solution there but they are very local, which is both good and bad.
Now we can see that capital will always ally with whoever that lets them have that since money=power=people who have power really like to hold on to that power at any cost. And since they own media they will use that to confuse, distract and delay any action. Preferably to the point where the average Joe is apathetic. Not to mention influence people into infighting rather than uniting as workers since most of us work at one point or another in life. Divide and conquer i think it is called. Or in this case divide and pacify to keep a lid on things. The worker will be too tired and apathetic to make a change, that's a feature not a bug.
So i think i'm just rambling again i'm not very good at writing but monkeys together=strong. There are many other problems in the world too, but i believe most of them will be easier to solve once the workers are able to dictate their own workplace. Iiiiif they want to have a workplace that works through referenderums and direct democracy. Ooooor a workplace where they elect economists for economy decisions during a certain time period and perhaps a maintenance chief etc... A representative democracy in the workplace.
Since the decisionmaking is closer to the ground it'll be more likely for them to make less short-term decisions in regards of the environment because either they live where the decision is made or because empathy. For some reason power corrupts people and remove any shred of empathy in them. So i think in terms of long-term planning having more from the ground up planning is better than a top down structure which leads to what you can see happening in the world today.
A fairer wage, more time for important things (or more work if that's what they wanna do), probably less work hours for most people=more time AND energy for wanting to make a change around them and engage in society. Probably less environmental destruction, or at least not more than before. A better ability to dictate a wage and work hours too.
TL;DR:...? So uhh... I guess we can distill it down to; unions and workers working together good, go engage yourselves there and help others understand how useful it is to have a union behind your back (and the power of the collective). Lots of unions working together for bargaining power to fuel change=apes together strong=actually makes shit happen. Ever seen a proper sailor union strike? It'll absolutely cripple the exports of a country. Now that puts a fire under the ass.
And finally, a society where the workers own the means of productions isn't that radically different from now. It's just the concept of one person one vote in your workplace where you spend many many hours of your life rather than what we have now which is just king ruling his subjects. Some kings are better than others but still a king, still autocratic.
Mutual aid is also good. I just wish i knew more but anarchism is very academical and intellectual.
Well shit that was a lot of text.