Anyone know if there are big regional variations in height in the UK?

I'm a 6 foot male who has spent most of my life living in Lincolnshire and there was never an occasion where I felt short amongst a crowd of people ever. I've recently relocated to the South East and work in a retail job. For pretty much the first time ever, I've met Women taller than me on a consistent basis (at least 30 in 50 or so shifts and that's just the ones I've noticed) and feel solidly average amongst males.

Obviously other people's height is just my perception, I'm not whipping out tape measures on people who come into the shop and recording their height but I was just wondering if anyone has any experience with this or any stats on regional varations in height within their country ?. I literally felt just as tall in Croatia and Serbia last summer as I do upon my move to the South of England. I know that there are big variations in the US but the UK is a much smaller country so I thought the chance of regional variation in height are slim.