Import tax and EZWay

So to my understanding, if you purchase personal items via cross-border shop, you are exempted from import tax, business tax and other fee as long as the price of the goods does not exceed 2000NTD/import round.

But I also noticed that there might be a limit to how often you can purchase cross-border stuffs before being slapped with all taxes, which are 6 import rounds per half year. Is this part true?

Because I have used up this quota in Shopee recently but I purchased again from other platform, and I got my stuff sent to me without needing to pay any tax in EZWay. So does this quote means for each shopping platform as well? Is there anyway, we can check how many imports have we done in EZWay? It seems that this record isn’t completely available.

Perhaps, some experts or experienced shopper could share his/her experience here. Thank you!