I have finally decided to try my hand at AoS after playing Warhammer FB and 40k semi-competitively for the last 15 or so years.
The Tree Bois have drawn my attention for a long time due to their model range, which is my favourite across all GW stuff at the moment.
However, my knowledge of how to play AoS is really lacking.
As I always do, I have decided to design an army which has a lot of stuff that I like and will enjoy painting, and will give me an idea of what does/doesn't work.
I was just hoping for some feedback on whether this would be viable at all or of it is an absolute piss take.
- Army Faction: Sylvaneth
- Subfaction: Heartwood
- Grand Strategy: Take What’s Theirs
- Triumph: Inspired LEADERS Drycha Hamadreth (335)*
- Spells: Regrowth, Treesong, Verdant Blessing Branchwych (130)*
- General
- Command Traits: Spellsinger
- Artefacts of Power: Arcane Tome
- Spells: Throne of Vines, Verdant Blessing, Verdurous Harmony Arch-Revenant (120)* BATTLELINE Kurnoth Hunters with Kurnoth Greatbows (230)* Tree-Revenants (110)**
- Glade Banner Bearer
- Waypipes
- Scion
- Protector Glaive Tree-Revenants (110)**
- Glade Banner Bearer
- Waypipes
- Scion
- Protector Glaive Kurnoth Hunters with Kurnoth Scythes (250)*** OTHER Gossamid Archers (220)* Spite-Revenants (210)***
- Shadestalker Revenant Seekers (235)*** ENDLESS SPELLS & INVOCATIONS 1 x Spiteswarm Hive (40) CORE BATTALIONS Warlord *Expert Conquerors ***Bounty Hunters TOTAL POINTS: 1990/2000 Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App
Any help in pointing me in the right direction would be much appreciated.