Let me tell you

Visited Sweden over new years for a week and I have some points to get off my chest. I'm from Switzerland so I get confused with you IKEA making, Volvo producing, köttbullar eating northerners quite alot.

  1. I was pleasantly surprised with how friendly and open everyone was. Prior to coming to Sweden (I must admit), I had a bit of a stereotype built up in my head that people were going to be reserved and cold, just like in Switzerland. This did not reflect the reality at all. At one point I found myself speaking to a guy working at Circle K for about 10 minutes about our favorite types and brands of snus.
  2. English. We only spent around 24 hours in Stockholm and the rest of the time we spent in small cities South from there. Nyköping, Norrköping, Linköping, etc. and I was very impressed with the very strong level of english of people all the way from Max burgers employees all the way to the barist working at the Espresso House. Well done Swedish school system.
  3. Over the past few days the road conditions were quite icy and snowy and I was impressed with how safe and respectful you swedes drive on country roads and the highway. A lot of disclipline there. Even though the weather was rough, I felt completely safe on the road and noticed that people went out of their way to prevent snow from the back tires obstructing my field of view when they passed me on the left lane and only turned into the right lane after about 100 meters.

All in all, you have a beautiful country and I'm looking forward to visiting again soon.