My player ranking of Survivor 47
I'm going to rank all 11 players of Survivor 47 who made it into the jury phase, along the metrics of Social (SOC), Strategic ( STR) and Comp ability (CO). The highest potential score is a 15.
NB the metrics are only relevant amongst these specific players so the benchmark isn't through Survivor history but just season 47.
I will only be ranking those who made the merge as I can barely remember the pre jurors and their game ability.
- Rachel Llamont ⭐ = 12
SOC =4 STR =3.5 CO = 4.5
Rachel was well liked and able to build deep social bonds with numerous people. Her social game shined in regards to her win equity, she was both adored and respected. Her Strategic chops are highlighted through small details like her SITD play, Rachel's funeral, spying on her fellow castaways, etc. She is the best competitor on her season and one of the best in Survivor history. Rachel however does have difficulty in managing her threat level and requires advantages to escape some difficult situations. Moreover she is sometimes not as strategically active however this can be both beneficial and harmful. Rachel is an all rounded player and seemingly unbeatable in a jury vote.
- Genevive = 9.5
SOC = 3 STR = 3.5 CO = 3
Genevive shines in social manipulation however has a weakness in making deep social bonds. She demands respect as a player but isn't as well liked as Rachel. Genevive is able to orchestrate complex strategic moves such as Operation Italy, however she does make a major Strategic fumbles in voting out Sol who wanted her in his F3 and left her with no agency. Genevive is the 3rd best competitor on this season with 1 immunity win and should be 2 since she beat Kyle in one of the split challenges. She beats everyone other than Rachel definitively in jury vote
- Sam = 8.5
SOC = 3.5 Strategy = 3 CO = 2
Sam is well liked and respected and can make good social bonds, however is in weird zone of having both a threat level while not being threatening enough to vote out, this can be due to his positioning or others perspective of him. Sam is able to create alliances and aid in carrying out high level Strategic moves however he is flawed in being able to maintain those alliances and carry out high level Strategy by himself. Sam only won reward challenges and was unable to win immunity. Sam can most likely win a jury vote against everyone else but Genevive, Sol and Rachel and perhaps Caroline
- Caroline = 7.5
SOC = 3.5 STR = 3 CO = 1
Caroline is able to make good social bonds and is well respected. Caroline has been shown to be a firm strategic thinker and been able to create alliances and be a key part in it sticking together, however at a crucial time Caroline folded. Caroline is not efficient in competitions. Caroline's biggest flaw is the perception that she lacks Strategic agency. Caroline has the capability of beating everyone other than the top 3 and potentially Gabe and Sol in a jury vote
- Gabe = 7.0
SOC = 2.0 STR = 3.0 CO = 2.0
Gabe is highly respected and decently liked. He had a big threat level and failed to effectively curb that. Outside of Sue he lacks any definitive strong social bond, even with Sue he wasn't aware of her idol while Caroline was. Beyond this Caroline was always wary of him, Tiyana didn't like him and Kyle was OK with him. Gabe is an adept strategic thinker being able to create and hold down the Tuku alliance. Gabe is average at competitions.
- Sol = 7.0
SOC = 3.5 STR = 2 CO = 1.5
Sol is great at creating social bonds and is well liked and respected. Sol has no strategic highlights and allows his threat level to be to obvious thus making him a big threat. Sol is not efficient in competitions. Sol in my opinion can beat everyone other than Rachel and Genevive in a jury vote
- Andy = 6.5
SOC = 1.5 STR = 4 CO = 1
Andy is a high level strategic thinker and is able to create and carry out high level strategic moves such as Operation Italy. Andy biggest flaw is socially, he lacks respect and seemingly despised by some jury members. He can form social bonds however he lacks the ability to maintain them. Moreover some of his social capital stems solely from people trying to appease him so that he doesn't crash out. Andy isn't good at competitions. Andy has a difficult time winning a jury vote and can probably only beat Teeny.
- Sierra = 6
SOC = 2.5 STR = 2 CO = 1.5
Sierra is well liked and respected. She can make decent social bonds but nothing of note other than Sam. Made the game ending move to side with Sam and Andy as Andy was her downfall. Her strategy was too reliant on Sam and was of no benefit to her. Not able to curb her threat level and unable to convince others that she would be a better asset than Sam. Sierra doesn't stand out in comp ability. She should have really sided with Anika and Rachel. Still think she beats everyone below her in a jury vote
- Sue = 6.5
SOC = 2.5 STR = 1.5 CO = 2.5
Sue is well liked but not respected, she can create strong social bonds as seen with Rachel, Caroline and Gabe, however its the lack of respect that really hurts her. Her only strategic reach is the tuku alliance and a flaw is too much loyalty as she seemingly would take Rachel to the end and lose to her. Sue is good competitor and has won immunity and is not a slouch
- Kyle = 6
SOC = 2 STR = 0 CO = 4.0
Kyle stands out in comp ability and only falls short to Rachel. Kyle is well liked but not well respected, he is able to create decent social bonds but nothing of note. Kyle refused to show any strategic chops but I don't think he is utterly unable to but more unwilling.
- Teeny = 4.5
SOC = 3 STR = 0.5 CO = 1
Teeny shines in social ability as they are well liked and can create strong social bonds. Teeny however lacks any level of respect in the game. Teeny is not good at competitions.
Teeny biggest flaw and the reason they are at the bottom of my ranking is a lack of any strategic chops or agency. Teeny in my opinion ended their game when they vote Aysha instead of Genevive, evem though it may be difficult to do that however they could have blindsided Gen and Rome so that Rome doesn't use all his advantages. Teeny was always out of the loop and lacked the ability to keep up with other castaways strategically. Teeny played scared when it came to Strategy as evident when she flipped against Sue and Rachel to a side of players who she has no chance at all of beating and then in the next vote flips back and is confused on who to vote for.
Teeny loses in a jury vote to anyone, and this is sad cause I like Teeny but their strategic flaws are just too major.