Why do people only use the argument "I don't like him because he's too strong and i can't feel identified with him" For Superman but not for other powerful characters?

I was talking with a friend the other day, and the Superman movie topic came up and he told me that he didn't necessarily feel like watching the film because Superman was never of interest to him due to the fact that he can't identify with the character for being to strong, perfect, beautiful and all that stuff... Then he gave me the classic example of Spider-man and after that, a thought started forming in my mind.

Btw this post is not made to vent about my friend, it is all cool with him lol

But i started to think about how many people are fans of pretty powerful characters like All Might, Thor, Metro Man, Saitama, Omni-Man, Goku... (And for obvious reasons, i also like them) but i could SWEAR that i never heard anyone saying they don't like them because of the fact that you can't feel identify with them, which makes sense since what makes them so great resides in other aspects of their stories... But then explain to me WHY the moment Superman's name is mentioned everyone goes like "Emmm too strong, unable to identify with him and therefore like" Even if he has all the qualities the other characters i mentioned have, story-wise, lore-wise, personality-wise etc...

What makes people feel like they have to necessarily identify with Superman to be able to enjoy him as a character? And why this doesn't happen to other powerful characters??