KA KF8 v Jura Z10 - Help!

I just converted my wife of 10 years to milk-based espresso drinks and can finally justify the expense of a superauto. I'm coming from a Bambino plus and pour-over coffee, but she drinks latte's and I drink mainly cortados and americanos. I've done a lot of hand wringing over purchasing a Jura Z10 vs the KA KF8. Price really isn't a determinant factor, I mainly want to pick the machine that produces the better quality espresso drink. There seems to be a lot of positive buzz over the KF8, with some folks picking that over a Z10 regardless of the price. I've watched a few reviews, and the KF8 looks easy to use and clean, which is a plus with my wife planning to use it. We could care less about the cold brew feature on the Z10.

I'm going to try and see if my local SLT or C&B have them on display to try both, but can anyone who's used both chime in on competing espresso and foam quality from each machine? Also, is the employee discount still active for the KF8? Thanks!