Suggest me a dark historical mystery set outside of the US or the UK
I'm looking for more historical mysteries that are dark and gritty and rich with historical detail (ideally less common to read about times and places so it feels fresh and like i can glean new to me historical information through fiction). I really prefer stuff with female protagonists and/or queer protagonists.
I'd prefer non-western settings, but anything outside of the standard US or UK setting would be great (but I'd even be willing to work with less typical settings within those countries, like I wouldnt say no to 18th century Wales or something like that).
I'd prefer anything set pre-20th century, but I'll be satisfied with pre-WWII (I'm absolutely not interested in anything more recent than the 1950s at this time, and I don't want anything set during WWI or WWII right now either).
Any targeted age group is fine as long as it fits everything above (so adult, young adult, middle grade would all be fine).
This post is inspired by my love of June Hur, I've read and enjoyed everything she's released so far (my favourites were The Silence of Bones and The Red Palace), but that means I don't have anything left to read from her at this point.