The Day I got My Puppy Part - 1 🐶🐾

Hi, I am Marvo and I am 5 years old. Today I woke up to see May not being on the upper bed , I then walked to the living room, May as usual was running here and there, ofc she have ADHD, Herlid as usual in his wise and gentle form sitting in the couch , checking his drop shipping shopify business in phone. Uh oh, ig i didn't introduce myself and everyone else clearly! I am a shy kid and a very nice , talented story teller! I have my own Amazon KDP buisness with over 22 books each earning about 100$+ everyday. I am also very good journal writer and average digital artist inspired by my sis. May is my 10 year old sis, she was diagnosed to have ADHD last year, my parents are really supportive, She have her tiktok account monetized ans earning alot, she also have monetized yt vlog channel and speed paint channel. And did i mentioned my sis is a pro digital anime artist! She also have her own successful shopify print on demand store earning 1000$+ everyday, welp she is earning from tiktok, 2 yt channels qnd shopify! And Herlid is my wise and silent, very calm and understanding 15 years old brother. He have a good talent of buisness, he have 10 apps coded by himself learned by dad in both google playstore and apple appstore, each app in each store is earning 50$+ everyday. That's not it, he also have buisness and side hustles tips channel on yt, tiktok, instagram, facebook, twitter and reddit community and each of it is monetized and earning alot of money but there's more! He have his own successful shopify drop shipping store earning 1000$+ everyday. Oooo you would have already guessed that we are rich! My parents are very proud of us all for earning so much money at such a young age. Did i introduced my parents yet? My wise and calm Dad Aspro is a professional coder having 500+ apps and games on google playstore, apple appstore, microsoft appstore and steam each earning 1000$+ everyday, he also have a monetized youtube channel where he makes video on coding tips and coding fan's weird ideas. My Mom Moments is very shy, calm and understanding. She is a professional motivational speaker on Youtube havjng 4+ super successful yt channels on self improvement. She is also a professional part time vet nurse on every tuesdays and fridays. 2pm - 6pm. My each parent is very calm and patient, and follow authorative parenting. They are very understanding! And i wanna tell you something, i wanted something but am not getting it for so long and i- "Mavro we need to tell you something!!!" Coming mom!!!