To women looking to lose weight and improve your looks, what differences have you noticed?
Edit: Thank you for everyone's responses. You guys are awesome and inspirational to me! Here's to being healthy and proud of what we see in the mirror again. Day 10 and IWDWYT!
I apologise for how incredibly vain this question is, but it is one of the many reasons for why I want to quit drinking. I've had sobriety stints before and during those periods I finally grasped my fitness and beauty routines. As soon as I started binge drinking over the weekends (and sometimes week nights) my fitness routine would be completely disrupted. I'd look tired, red and puffy and I've always struggled with my skin.
I'm a week in and it might be placebo, but I feel as if I already look better? I feel more "radiant" and less bloated.
I'd be interested to hear about other women's journies, especially to motivate myself to keep going. I'm struggling a bit with urges today.