Friends that are in the same position as me. 1st stim was DD'd to my bank, and that bank closed in May. My 2nd stim was DD'd into that closed account (saw via GMP) GMP is now updated that it's arriving on the 2nd of feb.

This first said that it was deposited on Jan 7th into my closed account and now it has updated. I stopped checking it for a week just because to stop downing my self so not sure when it updated.

I just want to say guys there's hope and of course we're asking where the 3rd stimulus check is at and when it's going to be a thing and who knows at this point. I'm going through shit with my landlord right now and i would've preferred if this had gotten to me a few weeks ago then the 1st week of feb, but i'll take it. There's a light in the tunnel coming for all of us not just for the 2nd stimulus but 3rd and god hopes a 4th, but it's going to be a bumpy ride for not just you, but me and millions of other americans. We have only 49k people in this sub and you know the heartbreak and sleepless nights people have been going through. This is unprecedented times where the whole entire country is struggling.

Keep strong stay positive and live by the quote that i live day by day. If you're going through hell keep going - Winston Churchil