His son always claims he’s sick..he believes him but refuses to get him tested?

His son is 10 and for the last year he’s been claiming he’s sick almost every morning with a headache. At first I honestly believed he was saying this to get out of school (I still think he does this occasionally) but this morning when he told me this for the third time this week (yes it’s Wednesday) I took a deep breath and told myself enough is enough and thought about odd things about him I’d noticed.

One he’s underweight with most days no appetite. He was born premature so I believed this was due to it.

He’s always extremely thirsty and will gulp down two cups of water in seconds and then go for a third.

He frequently wets the bed. He has almost no sense of awareness when his bladder is becoming full. It’s either he doesn’t have to pee or if he doesn’t pee within 30 seconds he’s going to urinate all over himself which he has done when we couldn’t pull over on a highway. He was NINE when this happened.

His heart rate is fast as crap sometimes and occasionally he’ll have huge red rashes over his body out of nowhere.

I recently saw someone’s “healthy” kid pass away in their sleep from diabetes and being alarmed because a few of my family members have type 2 I checked the symptoms and sighed in relief that they didn’t match my kid.

But..this morning I realized they matched his. Dad finally wakes up. His son says he’s sick. He believes him and rubs his back trying to reassure him he will feel better.

I gently suggest maybe instead of listening to him say he’s sick every morning he should go get him tested? He’s like for what..I’m like uh, bloodwork to check his levels

He gets upset and says levels for what?! I’m like dude I don’t know, just he has a lot of unusual symptoms and I’m not trying to be dismissive of him this year if he’s truly having medical problems. I point out the excessive thirst, bed wetting, skin patches…he’s mad now and says nothing is wrong with him.

I walk away so we don’t start arguing because at the end of the day it’s not my kid and I did my part. What would you guys do?

UPDATE: I DID MENTION DIABETES TO HIM when I first spoke to him. After I pointed out the symptoms I said it seems like diabetes but I didn’t want people to think I was “self diagnosing” because I’m not!