People say that Chaos;Child is a thematic sequel to Chaos;Head, but it think this applies to Steins;Gate as well

No, im not crazy, let me explain. Also, i did not play C;C. This is just my personal view on the themes of C;H and S;G. There will be spoilers obviously.

Let me start with Chaos;Head.

Takumi is a borderline hikikomori, he lacks any sort of social skills and is a "deliquent hater" (his words). He constantly tells himself that he doesnt need the 3D world and that people see him as a creepy otaku.

Takumi has low self steem, and even if he tries to convince himself that he doesnt want nothing from the 3D world, in the moment Yua and Rimi showed him affection, he starts to show his true thoughts — He is afraid of the 3D world, because as he tells himself, he is just a creepy otaku.

In the game, there is a metaphor for his fear, he says something in the lines of "if i was alone with her (Rimi) would my world be reduced to the reflex on her eyes". This is a brilliant way to show Takumi's main problem — He has social anxiety, he is afraid of real people. He is afraid of the effect the others have on him. He is afraid that by approaching others, they will discard him as a "creepy otaku". Fear. This is the main trait of Takumi's characther.

Now, going to Steins;Gate

Rintarou Okabe is a chuuny. He doesnt care about the feelings of other people as long he is immersed on his fantasies. Okabe doesnt take himself seriously at all, but yet he still continues with his chuuni persona. Houoin Kyoma, for Okabe, is a way that he found to overcome his insecurities.

The problem is, by acting this way, he actively hurt people. And there is a great scene that shows how Okabe views his fantasy. He and Kurisu started fighting (like always). Then, he suddenly screams at her — and Kurisu proceeds to cry. Okabe really doesnt know why she was crying, he was just a chuuni, he even asks Daru abou a possible reason.

Okabe doesnt take himself seriously, but other people do, especially those who are not around him. Kyouma always was (at least until the mid-game of Steins;Gate) an illusion that Okabe used to be free of any social responsability. Kurisu doesnt accept that very well.

Okabe always is inconvenient and makes Kurisu mad. He even reaches the point to mock of her family's situation (they didnt knew each other very well, but cmon dude, at least show some empathy).

The late game of Steins;Gate is about this. About how Okabe used Kyouma to refuse to take responsability of his choices and used the time machine to grant his friend's wishes without thinking in the side effects. He then has to reverse every d-mail he sent because his childness lead to the death of his best friend (He is the one who proposes to change the past, while Kurisu is against it).

Kurisu says that "even her mistakes are part of her as a person" and thats the lesson Okabe learned. He accepted his mistakes using his fantasy to avoid reality and his responsability. He refuses to acknowledge the effect he has on others. He could make people cry, get hurt because he didnt take himself seriously, but the people around him surely did.

His chuuni fantasy returns because Kyouma never was the problem. The problem was using Kyouma to blind himself of how ridiculous and idiot he can be.

Do you understand my point? Both of them are about the real world. Chaos;Head is how to deal with the effect others have on you, and Steins;Gate is about how to deal with the effect you have on others

Actually, this is more about Okabe and Takumi than the actual themes of the games, but i still think its valid.

What i said here is probably obvious to you guys, but this sort of thing almost make me think that SciAdv was meant to be a duology (Chaos and Steins).

Sorry for the poor english lol