Three truths about entrepreneurship people rarely talk about

A recent tweet by Andrew Wilkinson got me reflecting about my experience with entrepreneurship. (fyi: I can't link it, otherwise this post will be removed)

Here are the 3 concepts that resonated with me the most:

  1. You have to be unemployable
  2. You have a continuous (and perhaps obsessive) desire to improve things
  3. You are perpetually dissatisfied

I quit my corporate job in 2022 after realizing the path I was on was not how I wanted to spend the rest of my life.

I found myself frustrated with how I was showing up at work.

Don't get me wrong -- I excelled at my job. However, I was not performing in line to my true self anymore - I was just doing things how "the top" wanted things done, and that killed me.

Entrepreneurship was no longer "something I would like to eventually explore", it became a need.

I was either doing it or not doing it. That's it.

Has your experience been similar?