New Dunkin brown sugar shaken espresso is a crime
I used to work for the siren for 3 years and switched to Dunkin after getting canned (traitorous I know) but their new shaken espresso is fuckin dumbbb
Syrup, milk, and espresso are all shaken in the shaker and for the milk I’m supposed to pull a latte amount of oat milk from the machine and use that. It hurts my soul- that and from what I’ve noticed all sizes get 2 shots?? Either that or people mobile ordering Larges have been decreasing the amount
Send help lmao
Edit: confirmed at work the other days all sizes get 2 espresso shots. So people aren’t modifying it to have less, a large really do be getting 2 shots and it’s also 2 shots for a small or medium 😵💫