How are people able to play Elden Ring with no guides or not needing to google basic things?!
When I asked if people used any help with looking things up to begin with, most people admitted to needing help here and there via the poll. There were the very very few that said they played completely blind, I played the base game with a map that had the locations for all boss battles, as this is my first souls game. When I had to full on google was to find the location for mohg in the leyndell sewers & how to do the white mask tasks in order to get to mohg to start the dlc. And I know I’ll need to google things if I decide to go for the platinum, I played most of the dlc blind and there’s been times while playing where I felt like I’m stuck but have an idea as to what I need to do, then I see YouTubers confirm my logic was right and I shouldn’t have 2nd guessed. This game is so massive, the npc quests are so vague I mean unless you’re a souls veteran but even then how could you not need help at one point?