Oh. My. GOD. I can't take this anymore!

I just need to vent because holy guacamole every single day I open this app to play some music on this system it is an annoying frustrating experience. Why can't it just ****ING work? it used too. For years it worked flawlessly. Today might be the day this entire wack ass system ends up in the landfill. Thank you for listening. I've tried to hard to be patient but how is the performance of the app getting worse?!? I see that this post is subject to removal because it's just another low effort post about the poor lil app and the content not being engaging and interesting enough. Can we talk about how to make your app connect to any of the services consistently? Does anyone have anything besides force closing it over and over and over and over and over again?

Edit. Thanks guys. I got the cathartic release I needed and some good tips for ways to possibly solve some issues. Thanks for indulging a grown man temper tantrum.