Opinion on situation needed
I’ve been working at this retail store for around 2 months as a summer seasonal worker (hoping to be permanent tho) and we are normally very busy so we don’t get a chance to talk to one another but everyone is very close and gets along for the most part. Yesterday I was working the fitting room which we do in pairs and it’s really the only time we get to connect with people one on one. I was paired with this girl who’s pretty popular and always joking with other staff in passing. I really tried to have a conversation with her. I asked about her life and background, her interests, I smiled… she was pretty cold. Short answers if anything and when i stopped talking never engaged with me. There were moments when the room was empty and we were sitting in silence awkwardly. After a few minutes I would try to strike up a conversation again but she wasn’t having it. Normal I’d think maybe she was going through something but whenever my other co workers would pop in she’d drastically change and talk to them like it was nothing. She even insinuated right in front of me that she didn’t want to be paired with me. I’ve never done anything to her. I’m so confused.