Feeding To Sleep
So, I am curious about feeding to sleep (4.5 months EFF.) Everything I have read says not to feed to sleep because an association will form. So at 3 months we started doing bottle/bath/pajamas/book/bed. Baby would hardly ever eat a full bottle, often eating 2-3 oz when he eats 6 oz typically, and was waking up roughly every 1-2 hours in the night needing comfort and would go back to sleep within a few mins with a paci/back rub/etc. Because of the frequency of wake ups we started trying new routines and ended up going to baby having the bottle last in the bed time routine while keeping lights on. Baby will fall asleep at the tail end of the bottle and then is put in the crib. Now that we are "feeding to sleep" again baby will sleep 6-8 hours straight before needing soothing. Haven't formally sleep trained yet. We do not feed to sleep for naps. Is this a problem? As baby gets older I don't want it to hinder anything, but it honestly seems like he sleeps well when the last thing we do is fill up his little tummy.