Screen goes black when starting the game, help?

So now that Shadow of Skyrim and Precision are out, I decided to install Skyrim VR again and start a new playthrough, but I came across an issue. After the Bethesda logo goes away, the whole screen just goes black, well, not necessarily the screen but the game. I can still open my VR headset menus and basically everything outside the game and they do show up in the screen, but the whole game, both in the headset and the desktop mirror, is just completely black. I can still hear all the sounds such as ambient water running, UI clicks when I press random buttons on the controllers, and even footsteps when I wiggle the stick around, so the game is still definitely running, I just can't see any of it.

I have seen a lot of posts on this exact issue, but none of them had any sort of fix in the comments other than weird, almost superstitious solutions such as "replace your controllers batteries if they are below 50%" and such which I have tried some of, but none of them actually worked whatsoever.

I have also tried reinstalling the game, which included uninstalling it on steam and then deleting all the game folders in every directory I could find a reference to in any comment on any of those posts. This had made the unmodded vanilla game work when I booted it up, but then immediately broke as soon as I enabled any mod, even though I was still attempting to run the default .exe file, not even the SKSE one. Disabling the mod again and then attempting to run the vanilla game once more did not restore it to working condition, even with all mods removed again, the black screen persisted. By the way, running the SKSE .exe file (even with SKSE(VR) itself being the only mod installed) does not solve the issue either.

My mod list is the following:

My modlist

Here are some screenshots to demonstrate my issue:

At first it's like this...

...and then it's like this.