First Time Playing Skyrim, Any Tips? (High Elf Mage)
(I’m not that good with the names yet sorry)I just started playing Skyrim (well I’ve started and dropped the game like 3 times before but this is the furthest I’ve ever gotten which isn’t that far) I just beat the lighthouse and I’m level 9 about to be 10. I’m a high elf mage main and I’ve been struggling lol. After talking to the jarl and doing the dragon thing I went out to the College of Winterhold, I haven’t talked to the graybeards yet but I joined the champions, I haven’t done anything with them yet tho. Idk what to do with those 2 rival families because I sided with the Imperials at the start, I haven’t joined the Imperials but I do prefer them due to me hearing that the storm cloaks are racist. Rn I have a quest to help this guy save his brother from a rivaling family, to beat thugs for the champions, to meet the greybeards, and to join the imperials if I want. I dropped everything to go to college which might have been a mistake because I might be under-leveled if it is anything like the lighthouse lol. It took me a while to beat the lighthouse, I had to do some much planning and got carried by the wood elf archer I got from Riverwood. I’ve been giving my elf companion everything I don’t want and have been using him as a second inventory as well because I run out of space so fast, I’m contemplating downloading a carrying weight mod to give myself unlimited carrying weight … if one of those exist because I spend so much time going through my inventory. The aiming mechanics are so confusing, I’m playing on Xbox, and idk how I’m supposed to aim my spells, my spells that are a constant wave are fine but the ones that require aiming are impossible, I just got this cool lightning spell that I heard good things about but I can rarely land it which is frustrating.
I need help with my build, I was originally only leveling Mana because I’m a mage but when I was in the lighthouse and kept dying I started leveling Health which I leveled once or twice. I’ve been rocking the robes from the intro this whole time lol cause I can’t find better ones and buying some is expensive. I haven’t put any attributes into anything yet because I’m scared of putting something in the wrong place, so what would you guys recommend I put my attributes in? I also need help with my spells because I’ve been struggling, my fury and raise zombie spells didn’t work in the tower, my original fire and electric spell barely did damage, my new lighting bolt spell is so hard to hit, and yeah. I will say I got 1 mod that added spells because I heard there aren’t a lot of spells or smth (I didn’t want to use many mods because I heard I should try to make my first run-through as authentic as possible, so I just have some graphic mods to make things look better). I got this spell that lets me run faster and spell that lets me have 3 things happen whenever I enter a battle, I have Bound Sword which I barely use now because I don’t have enough health to go, I also have oak skin and this spell which lets me collect souls after I kill then or something. I also have this spell that lets me like take a spell from another mage's mind for a short period but I don’t understand how it works yet. I got these spells from the Jarls Mage and Riverwood trader which is a reason I’m going to the college the holy mage recommended so I can hopefully have a great training arc, I also gotta get to the Greybeards after. Anyway yeah help, also idk what to do about my storage, all these ingredients that idk how to use, I’ve been trying Alchemy but I’ve been bad at it lol, I heard I gotta try enchanting as well and I have enchanted one thing lol. Any Tips would help, please.