How can people still roll their eyes at AI?

I raised the topic with my family - who are not luddites or technophobes by the way - and told them that there's tectonic change on the horizon but they basically rolled their eyes at me.

How about the fact that 6 of the 7 largest companies on the planet are focusing intensely on AI? I suppose they're all chasing their tail?

I tell them about the recent breakthroughs and even show them some AI generated media that's basically indistinguishable from reality but they don't seem as impressed as you would expect.

They admit there will be some changes but they don't seem to think it will be revolutionary and then I start to wonder whether I'm the one being irrational.

I'm not arguing that these changes will all be for the better either - I think AI has the potential to transfigure the human condition in numerous ways but the smooth sailing will come after a brutal storm where quality of life plumets for many folks. Plus we really have no idea about the longer term ramifications of something like ASI, besides just hoping for the best.

I know people who don't keep abreast with developments are ignorant of the emergent capabilities, but there seems to be some willful ignorance as well. Maybe that's for the best.

Also I understand the skepticism... we're in a strange liminal period in which we're developing revolutionary tech but haven't exactly applied it yet outside of very narrow and novel contexts so for all intents and purposes many people are living just as they have for the past decade... I think in the latter half of the year we will see it being rolled out to non tech applications and then increasingly so with every coming year until we realize almost everything has been transformed by the 2030s