Alan Wake Easter Eggs?

1) The story of the “Lady of the Light”, which is what they called Cynthia Weaver in the AW games.

2) in the “rebirth” ending, James mentions that the “Old Gods” still remain in Toluca lake and give power to those who venerate them. Reference to the Old Gods of Asgard and Cauldron Lake?

3) there’s a couple of parts in the game where the wind picks up violently and you get attacked by monsters, which reminded me of parts of Alan Wake 1 where it would get dark and windy before you got swarmed by the taken (sadly they got rid of that mechanic in AW2, cuz it was terrifying af)

Easter eggs or coincidence? Any others I missed? No doubt the AW games were influenced by Silent Hill, as well as other shared influences (Twin Peaks, etc), so i’m sure some of the developers would be AW fans.