anyone else hate tripping with people now?

so context, iv tripped shrooms and lsd with friends many times and its always gone okay, but iv always preferred being in my own energy during my trips. me and my old friend a couple years ago took 4gs each of shrooms. it was her first time and she had good intentions going in but maybe 4gs for her first time was a little too much! we had a trip sitter thankfully and she was the best during probably the most stressful moments. my friend at the time had never shown signs of animosity towards me during our friendship and we practically were roommates at the time, but her trip reflected how she really felt. we started our trip outside in the trees and it was perfect then we got back inside and thats when things shifted, she started talking about suicide and wanting to st@b me, she then tried to pull the ceiling fan down to where it would land on me, and shortly after attempted to throw a tv at me (trip sitter obviously avoided these things from happening), she started forgetting touch with reality when she was peaking. it truly felt as if she was possessed or genuinely not in her body. the energy in the room was dark and her face (to me because i was tripping aswell) started distorting into a demonic face. i ended up going into a loop out of anxiety and went into the bathroom and genuinely thought i was stuck to the toilet 😂 .. while all this is going on my friend tripping bit into her phone and busted it open, so the trip sitter called someone to pick her up. i eventually snapped out once she left but that is an experience i will never forget