Thoughts on Non-dualism? (Disc.)

I've been trying to apply LOA for a while now, but found it very difficult to persist after constantly seeing the opposite, so I've looked around and found this. It's quite the topic on tumblr, with quite a lot of resources. My favorite account on tumblr is Raysshifts, if you want to get into it.

Basically, Nondualists believe that there is no separation. That you're everything. There is no 3D, no 4D, just reality. You are everything from yourself, to a rock flying in space in reality #2932 to a blade of grass, to your favorite celebrity, etc. And you're also nothing.

Think about solipsism for a second. Do only you exist? Yes? Then are you the one creating your thoughts? Reacting to them? Observing them indifferently? As you can see you have many forms already within you. And the most important one, the untainted one, is awareness. The one which just observes indifferently, experiencing life through your eyes.

The idea is, through focusing not on our emotions or thoughts, but rather on our awareness, we'll be able to shift our awareness to our DR self. But, you also must understand that you're already your DR self, since you're everything, so you don't need to manifest, you don't need to change your mind, or body, because like we've said before, your mind and body are just different forms of don't need to change your other forms (LITERALLY Everything) to shift, do you, so why change only the ones you're aware of?

So...become aware of your DR and shift. That's the idea. There are truly no limits. No need to persist, no need to separate the 3D and the 4D. Everything is your imagination.