What is it about Berger that I can’t see?
I don’t know the general opinion of this sub on him. I’m sorry in advance if I seem rude but I just want to say how bored I am with him and Carrie.
I don’t see any chemistry at all, I don’t understand how and why they insisted (well mostly Carrie I guess) to keep the relationship on track. I don’t see what Carrie saw in him (this is not pointed to the actor himself, purely the character). Yes they were both authors, but that was all. In season 5 girls were worried if they were gonna end up alone after 4 seaons of seeing new guys per episode, and maybe Carrie was trying to prove herself that she was capable of holding a serious relationship again so that’s why she insisted on him.
I have to say, and I may be downvoted for this, but if I were her I may have preferred to go through the ups and dows with someone I’m crazily attracted to, with Mr Big himself. Carrie wasn’t being herself with him either, but at least that way she was driven mad out of love.
With Aidan, she wasn’t being herself because she was desperate to be approved or liked by him because in her eyes Aidan was the type of guy who can settle down and get old with, unlike Big. I’m more than glad that they are separated because they weren’t compatible at all.
Maybe the showrunners purposely put a boring guy on the show in order to show the audience that SATC is trying to be realistic (which is questionable). I honestly don’t know, but I think they wasted like 6 episodes of the last season with an uninteresting character. Or maybe they wanted to show Carrie’s reality check after being broken up by a “basic” guy. Who knows.