How deep should his dick go?
Me and my boyfriend (20) are having trouble. Everytime we attempt sex he can never stay hard due to lack of stimulation and sex overall just takes too long. (How long does good sex last?)
He does have a longer member and I was wondering if maybe his strokes aren't correct. When thrusting do you push the tip all the way in and bring it all the way back, just before leaving the vagina? That's how I imagine his tip will get stimulated, because atm he is pushing it all the way in and only doing half strokes, and thus I can't grip his tip I'm only gripping the mid of his shaft so he gets no stimulation. But sometimes he does full strokes, but he does it so fast (and hard) that it is hard for me to match his rhythm with my gripping. So again no stimulation. I know slowing down is one answer, but I need more elaboration on the in and out thrusting technique, and maybe what I can do differently as well.