NOTE: Tenorshare is a scam. Discussion of their software or tools is prohibited.

Why? Tenorshare is a fake company that relies on catchy names, false advertising and paid sponsorships to overcharge new users for “iCloud Unlock” or “Passcode Removal” tools.

None of their software can actually turn off FMI. Tenorshare convinces users to PAY for FREE features, including Software Update/Restore, ideviceactivation, and tethered Setup removal.

Nearly everything that Tenorshare offers is available for FREE with 3uTools, Sliver, f3arra1n, frpfile, etc... And even though you PAY for Tenorshare, you won’t even get the premium features like MEID/GSM signal. However, many newbies don’t know this and get scammed with apps like passfab, 4ukey, 4mekey, etc...

Unfortunately, since the termination of AT752 the problem has only gotten worse. Tenorshare is now overpaying YouTubers like iDevice Central and Just a Tech (legit YouTube channels that also cover legit topics) to make promotional videos on these scammy apps.

You might be thinking wait...but Apple Tech 752 also did promotional videos on checkm8 and iremoval. YES- I promoted these paid services because you actually get your money’s worth. With and iRemoval Pro, your iDevice will be FULLY WORKING afterwards, even if FMI is ON. They provide signal+data for devices on the setup screen.

But with Tenorshare, you are paying for a restore (quick flash in 3uTools) or tethered activation (free in Sliver and f3arra1n). All their tools pretend to be something they are not. Tenorshare does NOT have MEID/GSM signal.

While some of their apps might work correctly (like MDM and data recovery), the Tenorshare company as a whole has malicious intentions, they want to steal money from inexperienced users who don’t know how to do it for free.

Therefore, all discussion of ANY Tenorshare apps (including but not limited to passfab, 4ukey, 4mekey) is PROHIBITED on r/setupapp. This includes Tenorshare MDM bypass.

Violations under Rule 3 will result in a permanent ban.

Thanks in advance for helping to keep the setupapp community trustworthy and legit.
