I published my first ever finished novel!

I had always wanted to write a finished story and after being inspired by the lore of other fantasy media such as Baldurs Gate, Elder Scrolls and Game of Thrones, I spent half a year creating the background lore of my continent of Javona and then planned the first part of my 3 book story.

My ebook was finally finished in December and after a month on pre-order so I could market and do some last minute manuscript changes, it is finally live on KDP!

Is there anything I should be aware of after self publishing for the first time. Marketing on social media is like screaming in to an empty hole. I have people supporting me and being very positive but does not translate to sales.

I also had one preorder but it did not register as a sale when my book was released.

I am not doing this for the money but I don't want this to be a complete failure. I know my first book will be the weakest out of everything I do in the future, I just have to make sure I don't compare to other finished products from people with more experience.

On to the next book I go.