The "Love Yourself" Doctrine that's an epidemic

Yeah that's right. I said it.

I compared that type to thinking to an epidemic, a widespread infectious disease in a population.

Many people spread this positive vibes of ideas about self care, love yourself, creating positive aura blah blah blah

Did I get your attention? Are you thinking about what I said?

So here's my challenge to that: Instead of saying "love yourself first", how about we fix ourselves and grow. Here's an example: "I'm 25 and I have no friends, I'm such a loser and no one wants me." How about "I'm so fat and out of shape and unattractive. I can't find a bf/gf and no one wants me." What about the "everyone is so rude. I was opening the door for a woman and she didn't even say anything. So I cussed her out. People can be so rude sometimes!" And let's not bring up the people who have actual traumatic events.

These are the consistent patterns I see and everyone just says "love yourself first." People don't need soft, cute doctrine. That's not how you shave rough edges off to make something smooth. That's not how you become the best version of yourself. You should despise, even hate, many aspects about yourself so you can be sick and tired of where you're at. It should be to the point where you want to run away from it.

For you that's reading, how about this: Instead of loathing, how about you analyze what your problems are, get to the core/root of the problem, and create a path for growth so that is no longer the issue. Hard words I know and it's even harder to take the step, but no one is bashing you for taking one step a day. You may even be so stuck that you can take one inch a day, but that's a good damn inch that you seized in order to move in the direction that is going to build you up in the right direction.

Come, honor me with your presence. Comment for more.