The Democratic Party has nobody to blame but themselves. This is what the country deserves.
I voted for Harris, but at this point I believe that a second Trump administration is exactly what this country fucking deserves, if for no other reason than to emphasize that the Democratic Party—to which I've lent my support for my entire voting career—is a pathetic disgrace of an institution that no longer deserves endorsement solely on the basis of their not being Republican.
The reason the GOP has successfully been attacking the Dems for being out-of-touch is very simple: it's fucking true. Election after election they have failed to give voters electable candidates. The only popular Democratic President since Bill Clinton was Obama, and he wasn’t even the candidate the Party wanted! It was supposed to be Hillary, and we all saw what a disaster that idea ended up being in 2016. Biden barely won in 2020, only because of COVID, and proceeded to deteriorate while leading an incredibly unpopular administration that domestically oversaw a hike in prices, and on the world stage oversaw the escalation of two major conflicts. Was it all Biden’s fault? Of course not, but it doesn't fucking matter in the court of public opinion.
Then, after Biden dropped out way too fucking late, with no actual input from any voters the Dems elevated zero-charisma Kamala Harris and expect people to mobilize for her en masse? The vice president inextricably linked to the aforementioned wildly unpopular administration? In what world did the Democrats expect that to be a winning strategy?
The fact of the matter is that Americans were never going to elect a female president, especially not a nonwhite one. I'm not saying that’s okay, but what I am saying is that it's true. The Democrats were so blind to the reality of the ideological makeup of the electorate that they chose Harris, who was an abject failure in the 2020 Democratic primary, as the person they thought would beat Donald Trump. What absolute fucking IDIOTS.
They also have spent over a decade alienating white men, the biggest fucking voting bloc in America. They surrendered them to they sympathetic arms of Republicans without so much as a fight. Of course men deserve criticism for their behavior and privilege, but the realpolitik of the situation is that you can’t broad-stroke demonize and guilt-trip an entire demographic and then expect them to support you in elections. That was never going to work.
Not only did they alienate those men, they also condescended to and took for granted women and minorities. They looked down on and treated with disdain the huge bloc of religious voters. You can be as principled and technically correct as you want, but it doesn't fucking matter when your messaging alienates damn near everybody. That's what the Dems never understood, can’t understand now, and in all likelihood never will understand.
And guess what’s going to happen now? Trump is going to appoint nobody but loyalists, he's going to consolidate power and go mostly unchecked with a Republican-domiated Senate, House, and Supreme Court. Probably Ukraine falls, either through an outright loss in battle or through a shitty deal brokered by the notoriously Russian-sympathetic incoming administration. Say hello to an empowered Putin, who might have his eye on Poland, Moldova, Finland, etc. Probably things will continue to get worse in the Middle East. At the very least, if Trump escalates the trade war with China you can count on China growing closer with Russia, North Korea, and Iran. God help us all.
But do you know what else will happen? The economy will recover. Probably crime goes down. What’s that, you say? If the economy does improve it will only be because of policies implemented in the Biden Administration that have slowly made an impact? Crime rates aren't as high as people say they are? Well, you’re right, but it doesn't fucking matter that you're right because the average voter doesn't care. Condemn that voter all you want, blame whatever system you want, but at the end of the day it doesn't matter that you understand and they don't.
And while the standard of living is improving, even marginally, what do you think Democrats will be doing? Since they are terminally incapable of reading the room, they’ll continue to futility crusade again Trump, making him into even more of a sympathetic martyr. They’ll double down on the identity politics that have alienated more and more people each election. Academics will continue to moronically squirm in their silos of bullshit critical theory. All the while they'll be growing more and more out-of-touch with voters, and I frankly wouldn't be surprised if we never see another Democratic president. Maybe over the course of the next 20 or 30 years we will see the gradual rise of an economically conservative socially liberal third party that eventually takes the place of the modern Democratic party. But barring that near-impossible feat, I really think that we’ve spent the past year watching the great progressive experiment fail before our very eyes. And the Democrats have absolutely nobody to blame but themselves. Fuck it all.
EDIT: I'm posting two comments I made, just to clarify in case anybody actually cares:
- On my comment about female presidents:
I've been catching a lot of flack for the comments I made about Harris’ gender and race, so I’ll just say this here:
You're right that any sexist/racist would never have voted for her anyway. But subtle misogyny was one of the many popular appeals to grievance in Trump’s campaign even before Harris took over the candidacy and sexist language came closer to the forefront. The DNC should have been smart enough to see that, and then make the realization that whatever perceived draw from progressive voters a female candidate might get would inevitably be outweight by the risk of giving Trump more ammunition to rile up the men that make up such an important part of the base. It was a bad tactical move that didn't pay off, not even among female voters. It didn't work in 2016 and it didn't work this year, even though they put a lot less emphasis on it.
- On my comment about white men:
I've been flamed a lot for this line, so I’ll just clarify once:
I think it was important to have the conversation about male privilege and bad behavior. I think it was important to talk about misbalanced power dynamics and the prevalence of sexual assault and violence. I think we should keep all these things in mind.
I do not think that you should use these issues to condemn men as a whole, because that's the kind of attitude that drives non-shitty men further away from the Democratic party, which is the opposite of what any political party should be trying to do. I've seen it happen to friends—from 2016 to 2024 so many men moved right because of the dumbass overcorrection from #MeToo to #AllMenAreTrash. Zero nuance. A justifiable call for accountability became hyperpoliticized into hate and alienation. Now Dems are paying for it.
To restate my previous concluding statement, fuck it all.