Bohandi - Grey Wars and electronic warfare

Grey aliens are one of the alien stereotypes that is often thought of when aliens are mentioned, especially if they are mentioned without context of any known fictional work.

I have my own idea of Grey aliens, one that tries to make them something different than usual portrayal. They are described in my “Bohandi backstory”, but, in short, they are from the Zeta Reticuli star system (naturally), from a planet that has low gravity. They were, at first, a benevolent civilization that peacefully explored the stars. They met the Ptakoksztaltni Zimni and the two civilizations became allies in opposing the Bohandi Empire. Greys ended up being quite an asset in the fighting, as they turned out to be very good in electronic warfare. They were often able to take control of Bohandi ships and use them against other Bohandi ships. This led to Bohandi having to install the ability for fleet commanders to self - destruct particular ships in their fleet - but it was also sometimes used against them, despite all the security measures taken for this system. 

Eventually, the Bohandi managed to defeat the Greys. They crushed their military and invaded their home system, Zeta Reticuli. There, they deployed biological weapons, infecting the Grey population with a disease that was weakening them and killing them, but slowly, so they could still reproduce. Which is the reason the Greys go abduct people, humans included. They are looking for a cure for the disease. For the Bohandi, it eliminated them as a threat and rival, and also put them in a situation where they would have problems making contact with any emerging space civilizations (like humans). 

One aspect of them I established, but explored only slightly, is their mastery of electronic warfare. The only aspect I established was their ability to hack enemy systems and take control of their ships. And even that, it was explored to establish why Bohandi gave their admirals the ability to destroy ships in their fleets. And later also to reinforce Bohandi using single - person fighters and not missiles, as missiles are more vulnerable to electronic warfare. So, I would like to ask you what do you think and what other aspects of electronic warfare could the Greys use?